Board of Directors

Board of Directors

Dan Heusinkveld 

 13776 Prairie Center Rd Morrison 61270


Brian Oostenryk Jr 

9820 Garden Plain Rd Morrison 61270


Rob Vegter 

13030 Prairie Center Rd Morrison, 61270


Paul Vock 

18200 E. Lincoln Rd Morrison 61270


Mike Wiersema  

15079 Henry Rd Morrison 61270


Dana Fox    

32100 83rd Ave N Hillsdale 61257


Karl Kovarik 

331 Coleta Rd Tampico 61283


Brad Noble 

15010 Henry Rd Morrison 61270


John Wiersema

17251 Millard Rd Morrison 61270


Jon Brackemyer 

609 Greenwood Dr. Morrison 61270


Todd Mickley 

16255 Liberty Street Morrison 61270 


Matt Newman 

14369 Fenton Rd, Morrison 61270 


Brian Oostenryk Sr 

14860 Sawyer Rd Morrison 61270 





Paul Vock


Vice President

Brian Oostenryk Sr



Karl Kovarik



Dana Fox


Dept. A & HA Beef Cattle

Brian Oostenryk Jr


Dept. B & HB Dairy Cattle

Brian Oostenryk Sr


Dept. C Heavy Horses

John Mosher


Dept. F Sheep

Mike & Marna Geerts


Dept. G & HG Swine

Matt Newman


Dept. I Poultry

Bob & Kathy Huizenga


Dept J, PJ & K Ag Products and Horticulture

John Wiersema


Dept L, PL Floriculture

Stephanie Mann


Dept. M, PM Textiles and Fine Art

Connie Barr


Dept. O, PO Culinary

Gloria Ivey


Dept. V2, PQ Hobby

Holly Wallander


Dept. R Light and Western Horse and Ponies

WHOA/Tawny Wiersema


Dept. S Harness Races

Dan Heusinkveld


Concessions & Commercial Exhibits

Mike Wiersema



Brad Noble


Waste Removal

John Wiersema



Karl Kovarik


Publicity and Advertising

Todd Mickley



Paul Vock



Rob Vegter



Jon Brackemyer


Social Media

Christie Houzenga


Morrison Veterinary Clinic




BY-LAWS OF THE WHITESIDE COUNTY CENTRAL AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY, a not-for-profit corporation organized under the laws of the STATE OF ILLINOIS, July 8, 1959.

ARTICLE 1.  The name of the society shall be “The Whiteside County Central Agricultural Society”.

ARTICLE 2.  The object of this Society shall be to promote all agricultural and horticultural pursuits of the county.

ARTICLE 3. The Whiteside County Central Agricultural Society shall be governed by a 13 member Board of Directors elected by the members of the Society.  Four shall be elected in 1993 and in 1994, and 5 shall be elected in 1995.  Thereafter each member shall serve a three-year term of office or until his or her successor is elected and qualified.

ARTICLE 4.  The Board of Directors will be nominated at a caucus to be held the first Wednesday of August at 8:00 p.m.  All participants in the caucus must be a member of the society and each participant must hold a membership ticket from the preceding fair season.  Any person wishing to be a write-in candidate must file a “Declaration of Intent” with the Secretary of the Society on or before 5 P.M. on Tuesday preceding the day of the Election for Directors.  Only write-in votes cast for declared write-in candidates will be counted as valid.

The election of the Board of Directors will be held at the Secretary’s Office on the Fair Grounds on the last day of the Fair, between the hours of 11:00 a.m. and 12:30 p.m.  No one shall vote at such election except bona fide owners of membership tickets, and in no event shall any person cast more than one vote for each office, and such vote shall be cast in person and not by proxy.  Such vote shall be cast by ballot.  Newly elected Board Members shall take office on October 1st following their election.

Vacancies shall be filled by appointment of the President with the advice and consent of the Board.  A vacancy occurs on the Board when the Society fails to elect the number of directors provided for in these By-Laws, when a member dies, resigns, fails to attend three consecutive Board meetings without being excused by the President, or for any other reason.  Each appointment shall extend for the remainder of the term of office.

The Board of Directors shall annually, at its October meeting, choose one of its members to be President, one of its members to be Vice-President, one of its members to be Secretary and one of its members to be Treasurer.  These newly elected officers shall assume their duties on November 1 of the year elected.

ARTICLE 5.  The President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer shall be an executive committee of the Society, charged with the execution of such matters as the Board may from time to time direct; and they shall keep a correct record of all their doings, and report at the first meeting of the Board next succeeding the transaction of business.

ARTICLE 6.  The Executive Committee shall be competent to perform all acts necessary to promote the interest of the Society during the interim of the meeting of the Board and shall decide all questions arising out of construction of the rules of the exhibitors, but any act they may do may be revoked by the Board.

ARTICLE 7.  The duties of the President shall be to preside at all meetings of the Society and to perform all the duties usually required of such officials.  The President is authorized to call a meeting of the Board at any time he, in his discretion, may choose; but such meeting shall not convene until the Secretary has had ample time to give notice of such meeting to each member.

ARTICLE 8.  The Vice-President shall perform the duties of the President in his absence.

ARTICLE 9.  The Secretary shall keep a correct record of all the doings of the Society; and supervise all publication that may be ordered by the directors.  He shall report annually to the Secretary of the State Agricultural Society (Dept. of Agriculture) as prescribed by law.  It further shall be his duty to respond promptly to all correspondents; and he is especially enjoined to put himself in communication with all officers of the Society, that the wants of the entire Society may receive due care and attention.  The Secretary shall have authority to issue premium checks, which shall be countersigned by the President or the Treasurer.  The Secretary shall receive such sums for services and incidental expenses as the Society may admit or allow.

ARTICLE 10.  The Treasurer shall have charge of all moneys under the control of the Society and pay out the same only on vouchers approved by the President and countersigned by the Treasurer.  He shall give bond with approved security for the faithful discharge of his duties as Treasurer and for the safe custody of funds in his hands.  He shall furnish annually the Board of Directors, and at least quarterly to the President, a detailed statement of the finances of the Society, giving the sums and sources of money coming into his hands, and produce properly signed vouchers for all sums paid out by him.The Treasurer shall have charge of all admission and ticket sales and perform all duties usually required by that official and those requested of him by action of the Board or Executive Committee.

ARTICLE 11.  The president shall receive a yearly salary of $200.00, the Secretary shall receive a salary of $600.00, the Treasurer shall receive a salary of $200.00 and the Vice-President shall receive a salary of $200.00, and each member of the Board of the Board of Directors shall receive the sum of $20.00 for each day’s attendance upon the Society or Board.

ARTICLE 12.  Each director may be specially charged with the interests of the Society in his own portion of the County.  It shall be his duty to respond promptly to all inquires made by an officer, in relation to the interests of the Society.

ARTICLE 13.  Each Superintendent shall be prompt on reporting, on the morning of each day of the Fair held by the Society, to the President.

ARTICLE 14.   Any person may become a member of this Society by purchasing an annual membership season ticket to the fair; and all members shall be entitled to such privileges as may be prescribed by the By-Laws and Rules of the Society.  Only those persons who hold a purchased membership season ticket to the last preceding fair shall be entitled to ownership privileges.

ARTICLE 15.  Prior to the 15th of May of each year, the Board shall direct the Secretary to make a Premium List and Rules for the government of the Fair to be held during the year, and cause the same to be published, and no one shall be a competitor for any premium unless he presents to the Secretary, a ticket of membership.

ARTICLE 16.  The Board of Directors, or a quorum consisting of a majority of the members may enact and amend By-Laws and Rules at any meeting, not in contradiction to the Article of Incorporation or the Laws of this State.

(Amended 2000, 2003, 2010, 2016, 2023)