Department F – Sheep



Premiums Offered

Mike & Marna Geerts, Superintendents
Phone 815-499-4667

All Entries Must Be In Writing Or Completed On-line.

Entries close Saturday before the fair, at Noon

All animals must be in pens by 4:00 PM Wednesday, ready for judging.
All animals to be entitled to a premium must be entered in their class and must be purebred.
Superintendent reserves the right to reject any animal found to be in an unsound condition. If an animal is brought to the barn in an unsound condition the exhibitor will forfeit all entries.
Papers will be checked. Only first prize winners will be checked. Only first prize winners will be eligible to show in Champion Class.
All pair and flock entries must have been previously shown in individual classes.
Lamb class break – all breeds – January 1st of current year.
No exhibitor will be awarded more than two prizes in any one class.
No exhibitor will be allowed to show more than three breeds.

See health requirements governing exhibits in the class. All sheep must have Scrapie ear tag required by the IL Department of Agriculture.

Entry Fee – $3.00 Per Drive;
Pens – $3.00
Membership Ticket – $25.00
Helpers Ticket – $20.00
One Helpers Ticket is available for each ten head of sheep exhibited.
All exhibitors must have Premise I. D. number on entry form.
Persons exhibiting must first secure a Membership Ticket. Awards made by a single expert judge.

Judging will be Friday morning at 9:00 A.M. starting with wethers, with breeding stock to follow.

Animals will be released at 1:00 PM Saturday.

Lamb classes break: Cheviot, Shropshire, Oxford, Southdown split on February 15. Corriedale, Dorset, Hampshire, Suffolk, Montdale on January 1.

Premiums: 1st-$22.00, 2nd-$20.00, 3rd-$18.00, 4th-$16.00, 5th-$13.00, 6th-$10.00, 7th-$8.00

Champion Ram of Breed                                $15.00
Res. Champ. Ram of Breed                              10.00
Champion Ewe of Breed                                  15.00
Res. Champ. Ewe of Breed                              10.00
Champion Mixed Pair of Lambs                     75.00
Reserve Champion Mixed Pair of Lambs     50.00
3RD Place Champion Mixed Pair of Lambs 30.00

Trophies will be awarded to:
Champion Ewe Overall       $125.00
Reserve Ewe Overall               75.00
3rd Place Ewe Overall            50.00

Champion Ram Overall        125.00
Reserve Ram Overall              75.00
3rd Place Ram Overall           50.00

Judging to be decided on the best type, uniformity of type of flock exhibited in general fitting, condition, and appearance.